Make the most out of online credit card processing by learning these facts.
If you aren’t taking full advantage of the online shopping craze, you are turning money away! After all, people love buying stuff on their tablets, smartphones, and laptops – even more so than in traditional stores!
But before you start accepting payments online, there are three things you need to know about online credit card processing:
1. It’s just as fast as traditional swiping machines
Internet merchant accounts have worked hard to come up with technology that’s just as fast as their traditional cash register swiping machine counterparts. So, when your customers type in their credit card information on your website, their transactions will either be approved or declined in a matter of seconds, and they’ll have the confirmation to prove it!
And luckily, the transfer of funds is just as fast, too. Good online credit card processing companies can make sure that your customers’ money goes from their accounts into yours in less than 72 hours.
2. It’s completely secure
Credit card online processing wouldn’t be of much use to anyone if it was like fresh meat to hackers and identity thieves! That’s why internet merchant accounts have been hard at work, coming up with ways to keep your customers’ financial information completely safe.
Their solution?
SSL encryption that keeps credit card information hidden from online thieves, along with active fraud monitoring that keeps an eye out for online criminal activity in the first place. By doing their best to prevent theft – then jumbling the data for any advanced criminals who happen to make their way in – good internet merchant accounts make things completely safe for online shoppers.
3. It can be done wirelessly
Credit card online processing doesn’t have to be done solely through a traditional website purchase. Instead, you can use the power of wireless internet to accept credit card payments anywhere!
How does wireless credit card processing work?
All you need is a wireless internet connection and a wireless credit card terminal (in some cases, you can even use a special adapter on your smartphone!). Then, you can swipe credit cards just like you would if you were standing at your cash register!
Wireless credit card processing is great for street fair booths, door-to-door deliveries, or anywhere else where you want your customers to have the convenience of paying by credit card on the go. That way, you can expand your customer base way beyond people who happen to have cash in their pockets!
Want more expert advice? The team at Payment Solutions, Inc. has it!