If you are facing the prospect of having to pay a large sum of money as penalties or back taxes, the last thing you would want to do is to pay even more money to hire a tax lawyer from Los Angeles. But this is where you should think different. A good IRS tax lawyer will in fact be able to get tax relief for you and you will end up paying a lot less than what the IRS initially requested from you.
Trying to deal with the IRS on your own can prove to be quite a challenge considering the very complicated legal provisions as well as having to go through all your accounts and having to find the necessary information. In the process it is very likely that you will miss out the key points that would work in your favor. The lack of experience in handling this type of matter with the IRS is going to make it very likely that you will end up making matters worse rather than better.
An experienced tax relief attorney can come to your rescue. They are specially trained to deal with matters involving the IRS and have an immense knowledge of the applicable laws which will help him identify the solution to your problem.
Unknowingly to you, there are provisions in the tax law that allows concessions and credits to the tax payer which a tax lawyer from Los Angeles will point out to you and ensure that you get the maximum benefits available to you and this could add up to be a substantial amount. Consult with a tax lawyer from the law offices of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. to get professional advice.
If you have been served with a notice for an IRS audit, it is best to let a professional IRS tax lawyer handle this. They have experience negotiating with the IRS and will be able to give better and detailed explanations to any queries the IRS may have. All this will result in you getting a favorable result while taking the stress off from you.
If you owe back taxes and penalties, a tax relief attorney will be able negotiate and get the full or part of the due amount waived off or will be able to negotiate a payment scheme which will not inconvenience you.
Therefore an experienced IRS tax lawyer like the ones from the law offices of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will not only provide advice to stay away from trouble with the IRS but will justify the payment you make to them.
Guest post provided by Kahn Tax Law: Leave it to the professional tax lawyer from Los Angeles to deal with the IRS to give you a better result.