January 24, 2025

Terms & Policies


  • Each submitted article should be your own work. It is possible to hire a ghost writer, but you need to provide exclusive rights to the material before the submission.
  • Submit only original articles. It should never have the same article submitted in other directories. It should not be previously published. We are very strict in checking the articles for any plagiarism. Once the article is duplicated, it will never be accepted.
  • We cannot guarantee that the article will be published. The decision on whether the article will be published or not solely depends on us. In the case that the article is published, we will also be the one who will determine the duration of the article in a directory.
  • The article category will also be changed depending on our discretion, especially if we found out that the article is wrongly classified.
  • We have the full right on the article the moment it is submitted to us. Among those rights are:
    1. Publish the article to our own article directory as well as our partner directories or sites
    2. Publish the article via the RSS feed. The article may or may not be obtained by the different websites for syndication.
    3. Publish the article in different newsletters. It can be done real time, daily, or even weekly.
  • The article directory is a free service extended to the authors and publishers. It is not responsible in remunerating anybody for the article submission. As a matter of fact, it does not pay anybody especially if the article is published. We only guarantee that you will receive the credit you deserve.
  • You should not include affiliate links in the article’s body. For an instance, if you want to promote an affiliate program, you should use the resource box in linking the site and then redirect it to the affiliate site.
  • The article directory has the right to publish or translate the article in other partner sites.
  • The article directory also has the right to edit or change the terms of service. It could be done without any prior notice depending on our discretion.
  • The article directory also has the right to place advertisements on the page of the site. It will also include the article’s page.


  • If you want to publish articles present in the article directory, you need to respect the author’s copyrights. It includes both the resource box and links placed by the author.
  • You are not allowed to change or edit any parts of the article, unless you are granted to do so. You are not allowed to do editing, rewording, or any other alterations.
  • The hyperlinks should be remained in the entirety. You are not allowed to edit, alter or inactivate any link placed by the author. The user should be able to click on the links and the links should lead to its desired destination.
  • You are not allowed to include the article from the directory in any spam or any types of unsolicited mail.
  • Any articles that you found in the article directory should never be published on any sites, especially if it contains illegal activities like hate, porn, racism, warez, and so on.
  • You are not allowed to sell the articles found on the article directory unless you have the written consent from the author of the article. This includes selling of single as well as complied articles.

Guidelines for submission

  • You should submit only original work. Hence, the content should be original and free from any plagiarism.
  • You are not allowed to submit rebranded articles. You should solely hold the copyright in every article you submitted. You can use the article from a ghost writer, but make sure that you have the full copy rights before you submit the article.
  • After submitting the article, the article directory has the full rights to publish the article. The article will appear on the RSS feed as well as on the article directory. The article directory will re-categorize the article any time.
  • If the article is already submitted, it is free from anybody to publish it. The users of the article directory may publish the article in the form of e-zines, newsletter, or even on their own site. They will be able to publish and use the articles provided they will not make any changes on the article.
  • You may not use any of the affiliate links. You are able to create links to other sites that are helpful for the reader. You may also link your own site, which will eventually redirect to your affiliate site.
  • If you submitted the article, you will not be able to receive any kinds of financial compensation. As you know, the article directory is a free service.
  • It is not a guarantee that your article will be displayed in the article directory. It will depend on our discretion.
  • You should only submit plagiarism free articles. Aside from that, you should proofread the articles to make sure that it is free from any errors. Substandard quality articles will be automatically rejected.


The article directory is not liable for any forms of inaccuracies found in the article including inaccuracies found in the article or in its related partner sites. The article directory is the location that facilitates the meeting of the authors as well as the publisher. If you found out that another user has copied your work, you can contact us and we will do the necessary ways to remove the copied content the soonest possible time. The article directory does not endorse nor promote the author as well as the publisher that are part of the article. Moreover, it does not also promote or endorse any products in the articles provided the article is authored by the article directory team. The purpose of the articles displayed in the directory is to provide information. It should not be used in any legal, medical, or in any kind.