If you don’t accept credit cards for business, you can’t expect to be in business for very long. After all, the number of people carrying cash around today is very small. People expect that a simple swipe can buy everything they need. If it can’t, they’ll simply move on to a retailer where it can!
Luckily, though, accepting credit cards the right way is as easy as 1,2,3!
1. Get an online business merchant account
The rest of the world is online, so why aren’t you?! Seriously, more people than ever are doing their shopping from the comfort of home. And, they’re not just shopping on their desktop computers. They’re also buying on their smartphones and tablets. So, if you don’t have ecommerce merchant accounts that can capture all of those online shoppers, you’re going to miss out on a ton of profits!
Luckily, when you work with the right provider, a good online business merchant account is easy to set up and easy to maintain. In fact, lots of providers will throw in ecommerce merchant accounts for free when you sign up for other services!
The one thing you have to look for when you’re shopping around for an online business merchant account is state-of-the-art security. If your potential provider doesn’t offer fraud monitoring and encryption services, keep looking. After all, if customers don’t feel safe punching in their credit card information, the service is of no use to you!
2. Make sure you have the very best equipment
Nothing is a bigger turn off for customers than a long line at the cash register. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what you’ll have if it takes your equipment forever to actually accept credit cards!
A good provider understands that in order to accept credit cards for business, you have to be able to do it quickly. That’s why they’ll give you the very best high-speed processing equipment, that’s capable of approving transactions in a matter of seconds.
And, yes, many providers really will “give” it to you. When you sign up for a merchant services account, the equipment gets thrown in for free. How cool is that?!
3. Include a wide variety
The last thing you need is processing equipment that can only accept a limited number of credit cards. In today’s world, there is a never-ending variety of credit, debit, and gift cards, and you can’t afford to turn a single one of them away. So, before you sign on the dotted line with a provider, make sure your equipment isn’t limited to any particular credit card company.
The team at Total Merchant Services knows what it takes to get your bottom line back on track. Visit them today at www.total-merchant-services.com!